Our mission is to make the sale of your home easy, with authenticity, caring and you at the heart of what we do.
Having worked for the national estate agent chains, Ollie Solomons realized that clients want their sale to be managed by a person who cared as much about it as they do.
Ollie gets involved in every sale making certain that nothing is left to chance, that every opportunity and approach is considered and pro-actively adapted depending on the situation.
Being a local community business, Ollie is able to offer a truly affordable option for selling your home. Ollie’s passion is to present properties in the way they deserve. Through latest social media and advertising he maximises your property’s sale potential.
We know that no two clients or properties are the same, so we ensure you receive an attentive and invested service, that is bespoke for you.

Our goal is to maximise the value you get for your property. We won't set false expectations, which initially excite you to win your business and then as time goes by you become dis-enchanted with us.
We also won't recommend a low price for a quick sale (unless you instruct us to). Our ‘baby bear’ approach is to set your property price so it is just right.
When we value your home, we realise that the house market is dynamic, and that the economy and supply and demand influence values.
We understand what is happening in the Chichester and surrounding areas housing market and so we use our local knowledge, key sale demographics (which we present to you in a report) to agree the optimum house price based on your needs.
It’s an expensive business moving home. From stamp duty to movers, surveyance and solicitors' fees the bills keep on coming. Our approach is to work with you so that the math adds up.
That’s why we take time to understand your position and work out what’s affordable for you and your budget.
There is no fixed fee or minimum commission and even with that, you can feel assured that no matter what we agree we will diligently follow the Solomons approach.

The starting point is making sure that your property can be found on a national level, so we use Rightmove and Zoopla, but that’s only half the battle.
But unlike other agents we know that captivating your audience to entice them to book a physical viewing is a major part of finding a buyer. We don’t just show the rooms inside your house, we showcase the home you have created.
Our production turns your house into a home with immersive drone footage, video content, virtual tours, professional photography along with detailed write ups, your advert is no longer just an advert it quickly becomes a cinematic experience unlike other properties being advertised, so your home stands out from the competition.
But we don’t stop there !!
So, lets be honest an amazing property will sell itself. But not all properties are amazing.
We will spend time advising to help you set up your house to make it as saleable as possible.
We’ll point out areas that could be changed to make the most of the property’s aesthetics for buyers.

Interest from a buyer is just the starting point.
Our role is to maximise the sale price and at the same time always being honest with you and your buyer. These days there are multiple ways to achieve the best sale price such as Open Events and sealed bidding. We adapt our approach depending on the property and the market conditions.
But we feel an agent truly earns their fee during what is known as the sales progression phase. Communication with both parties’ solicitors and brokers is vital, we start providing regular updates from the words “offer accepted”. As a minimum we provide weekly updates to help you keep track of where your sale is and how the solicitors progressing. Where any issues arise, it is our role to smooth these and get them resolved with least possible fuss.
We can also introduce to reliable solicitors, surveyors and trades people should they be needed.